Interpreting is a performance, something live that demands great stamina. So much so that for sustained speaking, simultaneous interpreters should work in shifts. As a live performance, it can be extended and refined as needed (provided the modality and circumstances permit – say in a board room, where a push-back or point of information is raised as to how to share or interpret that phrasing). It is an intense exercise in word choice and the crafting of meaning.

On the other hand, Translation is a different practice. One centered less on people than on documents. At times the translator has access to the author, with whom more precise shading can be achieved so that the result conveys authorial intent effectively. Other times however, the translator has only a published artifact and must become an author themselves as part of the process.

Meehan Group brings to these two broad services four attributes: 

  • Expertise & Experience.

  • Discretion & Dedication.

They are a source of comfort and confidence; the foundations of trust. Such trust is crucial, and proper, when the endeavor at hand is the crossing of language boundaries. It is a requirement when these endeavors occur at the level of our clientele.